The Memories that come from music...

By The Voice of Miami Valley, Ohio on 2:52 PM , , , , , , ,
A mother plays the guitar while her two daught...
June 11, 2010

Written By:  Christy Trent

My family has always been a musical bunch.  As a small child I learned to sing from my mother and began singing in the children’s choir at my church. Many times my brothers, sister and I would sing together. Like most families our voices harmonized well together.  I went on to take voice lessons and choir directing lessons to help further my love and use of music.

Taking the musical inheritance from my mom, I have a very loud singing voice, just like she does.  When singing in a choir or a group, not thinking about anything except the love of singing, I would tend to drown others out.  Microphones had to be turned down low when I came up to sing, and I had to learn to tone my voice down a few notches or I could easily put a short into someone’s hearing aide.

Recently, on Memorial Day weekend, I joined my brothers and sister, and we sang together for the first time in years.  My parent’s church, the same church I was raised in, graciously invited us to sing a few songs. It was a lot of fun getting together and practicing, and then singing. Again, after all these years, I had to take the softest microphone and try not to drown everyone else out.  We chose several old hymns from the past and the singing of those old hymns brought back many wonderful memories.

One of the songs, Shall we Gather at the River, brought back to mind a hot summer day when I was baptized in the murky water of Bear Creek.  This was before churches had fancy baptismals inside and we would all go to the creek and take the plunge.  I remember the congregation singing and then being leaned over backwards to be baptized in the muddy water.

 As we sang the old hymn, In the Sweet by and By, I looked out into the congregation and remembered many of the older church members who have passed on. My grandma and grandpa were fixtures for years sitting just a few pews back from the pulpit, but have both been gone for quite awhile now. Singing at the church was a bit like walking down memory lane.

Music has a way of triggering memories. Some good, some bad.  Certain songs can remind me of a broken heart, or the joy of my youth.  Other songs remind me of milestones I have crossed while maturing into the woman I am today. One popular song played at the funeral of a young man who died much too early, still makes me start crying when I hear it playing over the speakers in the grocery store.

If your family is like mine, then there are times you need a good songbook. The local libraries carry a huge selection of music books. There are books with the most popular Christmas songs, famous country songs, Broadway musical selections, top 40s hits, and many more.

Grab a song book and a brother or sister or two, and recapture some joy by singing with them. It doesn’t matter if you can carry a tune or not, just the pleasure of being together and walking through the memories is priceless.

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