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Beck Honors WWII Vets in D.C.

COLUMBUS—State Representative Peter Beck (R-Mason) today sent off 30 World War II veterans from the Mt. Pleasant Retirement Village in Monroe, OH to Washington D.C. to visit the World War II Memorial.

The trip, made possible by Jeremy Bloom’s Wish of a Lifetime (JBWOL), allows the veterans the opportunity to travel to the nation’s capital and view the monument that stands in their honor. Created in living admiration of Jeremy Bloom’s grandmother, Donna Wheeler, who still works full-time at the age of 83, JBWOL’s mission is to inspire an entire generation and to create a cultural shift in how we view aging.

“It is with great honor that I thank each and every one of you for sacrificing your lives for the protection of this country’s liberty and freedom,” said Beck. “As a veteran myself, I know the tremendous challenges that these men have gone through in their lives, and I am thankful that the Jeremy Bloom’s Wish of a Lifetime program is providing these veterans with this opportunity.”

Along the route to Washington D.C., the group will be stopping and meeting with local Veterans of Foreign Wars posts, which will host meals and provide an opportunity for the veterans of Mt. Pleasant Retirement Village to meet other World War II veterans. When in Washington D.C., the group will have breakfast with Congresswoman Jean Schmidt and tour the Capital Building thanks to Congressman John Boehner.

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